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health News - Aviral Times

Health Tips: अक्सर हम जानें-अनजाने में कुछ ऐसी चीजें खा लेते हैं जिनका काफी बुरा असर आगे चलकर हमारे सेहत पर पड़ता है. ये चीजें खाने में भले ही स्वादिष्ट क्यों न लगे लेकिन लंबे समय तक जब इनका सेवन किया जाता है तो यह कई तरह की गंभीर बीमारियों का भी कारण ब...
Alia Bhatt almost never skips the gym. And more importantly like a true gym rat she never skips leg day. Her very innovative version of weighted planks is proof
A nutritionist indirectly criticised the protein food and supplements brand, which is co-owned by actor Ranveer Singh, for using 'chemicals' in their product.
A man, who once weighed 162 kg, lost so much weight by following a strict diet and workout regime. Check out his intermittent fasting meal plan for weight loss.
Weight Loss Foods: वजन बढ़ना एक गंभीर समस्या है. यह अन्य कई बीमारियों को जन्म देने का काम करता है. इससे छुटकारा पाने के लिए खानपान का विशेष ख्याल रखना पड़ता है. हमें डाइट में पौष्टिक चीजों को शामिल करने की जरूरत होती है. ऐसे में कुछ सब्जियां हैं, जिनका...
Health Tips: अंडे को एक सुपरफूड की तरह जाना जाता है. इसमें आपको प्रोटीन तो मिलता ही है बल्कि इसके साथ ही कई तरह के विटामिन्स और मिनरल्स भी मिल जाते हैं. अगर आप एक पूरा अंडा खाते हैं तो इसमें आपको मोनोअनसैचुरेटेड और पॉलीअनसैचुरेटेड फाइट भी मिलता है. सिर...
Carb-lovers, you don't need to ditch your favourite food group after all. Carbs are a necessary part of a healthy diet for fat loss, per a fitness trainer.
Health News Live: Get real-time updates on health from celebrity fitness secrets and weight loss breakthroughs to nutrition advice, get your dose of wellness insights straight from the experts and stars.
Why do we get headaches after drinking red wine? A new research tried to find the culprit and found a compound in the grape skin. 
A certified nutrition coach, who lost 19 kg without going on an crash diets, listed daily habits that cause overeating and simple hacks to avoid it.
Conventionally intelligence is believed to have stemmed from certain regions of the brain. New study says it's more about the ‘whole’ than the parts. 
Nutritionist recommended essential habits to shape the diet plan into a more effective one.
Health News Live: Get real-time updates on health from celebrity fitness secrets and weight loss breakthroughs to nutrition advice, get your dose of wellness insights straight from the experts and stars.
Nikki, a fitness influencer, often shares her weight loss journey on social media. In a recent post, she shared the mistakes that hindered her progress. 